Funded Projects

Start Date: 01/04/2023

Project End Date: 31/03/2026

Duration: 3 years

Total project budget: €2,889,578.00




The GELATOn the ROAD project, which officially started on April 1, creating the first European Road of Gelato aimed at promoting and preserving cultural heritage and local identity, was presented in Berlin.

The project involves 12 different EU countries (Italy, Belgium, Greece, Germany, Luxembourg, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Austria, Spain, Poland, Bulgaria) and 14 European organizations: Longarone Fiere (lead partner), Venetian Cluster, Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce, Agri-food Partnership of the Western Greek Region, Uniteis e.V., Italian Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Regional Development Agency ROD Ajdovscina, Dignan Ecomuseum, European Institute for Training and Research, Cloud Computing Business Association of Catalonia, Regional Development Agency of Rzeszow, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vratsa, DomSpain, and 2 associated partners: Parco Dolomiti Friuliane and Council of Europe – Venice Office.



The main objective is the creation of “The European Road of Gelato” that will pass through the main sites related to ice cream production and culture, starting with the project partners.

The European Road of Ice Cream will therefore follow the criteria of:

  • Energy and environmental sustainability
  • Quality of products and raw materials
  • Innovation in the artisanal ice cream supply chain
  • Culture and enhancement of territories.


The project also aims to support and promote cultural tourism by connecting the operators, suppliers, producers and consumers of the Ice Cream supply chain locally and internationally.

Start date: 01/09/2022

Project end date: 31/08/2025

Duration: 3 years

Total project budget: 1.442.542,36 €



The project involves 5 European partners: Venetian Cluster (Ita), France Clusters (FR), Cluster IDIA (SP), ITALCAM (DE), Open Hub Creative Cluster (RO), plus there are 11 associated partners supporting and giving visibility to the project, including the Veneto Region, European Universities and Chambers of Commerce.

The overall objective of the FRIEND CCI project is to help improve the resilience of the creative cultural industries ecosystem in Europe and enhance its green and digital transformation, through the creation and development of a Eurocluster network aimed at supporting SMEs and other ecosystem actors.


The activities predicts three calls for proposals: the first call will be aimed at finding service providers for innovation, digitisation and internationalisation, while the second and third calls will be aimed at operators in the culture and creativity sector who, in cooperation with other companies from other sectors, will be able to access funds.

The FRIEND CCI project will involve small and medium-sized enterprises at European level by supporting them economically for their development and promoting the exchange of innovation between companies and sectors to increase resilience and boost the twin transition.


The importance of an Eurocluster

Clusters at regional, national and international level can support SMEs and other actors in the CCI ecosystem to address various challenges by providing them with a framework to facilitate cross-sectoral collaboration within their ecosystem and beyond, to overcome fragmentation and become more competitive. Clusters can support SMEs in particular, through specialised business support services, as well as in retraining and upskilling, increasing their excellence and innovation capacity. A CCI Eurocluster at European level could even help to build a strong and resilient CCI sector in Europe by bringing together clusters and companies from different European countries, with different experiences and representing different European excellence.


Where you can find more informations about the project


Call for SMES open untill the 30/09/2023:

European Cluster Collaboration Platform:

Subscription to the FRIEND CCI’s newsletter:


Start date: 01/09/2022

Project end date: 31/08/2024

Duration: 2 years

Total project budget: 1.299.644,47 €



The European project EU RURAL TOURISM financed by the COSME programme of the European Union has the participation of 6 international partners and aims to create a Eurocluster of “rural tourism” (ERT), through which European partners will work together to promote companies in the sector.



  • Knowledge promotion
  • Market expansion
  • Extending tourist seasons and offering better services
  • Developing tourism in the area that is compatible with the environment and residents, offering innovative and attractive tourist products
  • Promoting environmental protection and job growth


Historical context

Rural tourism, ecotourism, agri-tourism and sustainable tourism respond to European and global tourism demand trends, increased by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that generates additional demand for similar services.

Traditionally based on local or regional demand, this sector now has the opportunity to expand markets by working on a transnational basis through the creation of a Rural Tourism Eurocluster.


You can find much more information on the official EU RURAL TOURISM website:

progetto digitour logo

COSME Programme 2021-2027

DIGITOUR – boosts the tourism sector in Europe through digital tools and innovation.


Start: 01/11/2021 – End: 09/04/2024

Duration: 29 months

Budget: 1.333.178 EURO

Of which EUR 480,000 is earmarked for Small and Medium Enterprises in the tourism sector.


Project Objective:

DIGITOUR expects to provide financial and non-financial support to at least 138 enterprises from 12 countries. During its 29 months of lifetime, the DIGITOUR project will create an innovation-friendly and inclusive environment to build-up and skill-up European tourism SMEs to be ready to integrate innovative digital tools in line with their specific needs and to develop novel offers and business models with the support of experts. DIGITOUR project will support tourism SMEs through two types of vouchers, targeting different levels of digital maturity. The two vouchers are geared towards the achievement of different objectives:


  • The Up-skilling and Capacity Building Voucher is targeting individual SMEs willing to increase their skills and knowledge of digital tools and technologies to foster their competitiveness and scale-up. The aim is to improve digital skills and capacities of tourism SMEs and increase their knowledge of digital tools and technologies through training and individual advisory support.
  • The Collaboration Innovation Voucher is targeting groups of SMEs wishing to cooperate on innovative projects at the national or transnational level. The aim is to boost innovative ideas for digital solutions by SMEs to improve their offer of products
    and services and their management, marketing, and promotion in novel and sustainable ways, adapting to the new challenges of the tourism sector, and to foster cross- sectoral and cross-border partnerships among tourism sector SMEs and stakeholders, and providers of innovative, digital, and smart solutions and new technologies. Through this voucher, transnational cooperative projects among SMEs will be encouraged.


Both vouchers will contribute to the achievement of the project overall objective of
sustainably increasing the competitiveness and resilience of tourism SMEs in Europe to
cope with the new challenges of the tourism sector by upskilling their digital knowledge,
boosting innovative sustainable ideas and solutions, and fostering cross-border and cross
sectoral partnerships.

DIGITOUR consortium represent organisations from the following European countries – Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Serbia and Spain. Each partner will duly inform locally through their networks about the ongoing activities and mainly about the launch of the call for proposals.



Start date: 01/07/2022

Project end date: 01/07/2024

Duration: 36 mesi

Total project budget: EUR 1.329.596


TOMATO “The Original Museum Available To Overall project”, aims to facilitate the transnational distribution of creative, cultural and artistic content on an international scale and to increase the competitiveness and economic potential of this sector. In particular, it seeks to increase the audience engagement and social inclusion of audiences in situations of social, economic and cultural marginalisation, and to improve the learning capabilities of minors, through an innovative educational tool for audience engagement. The project will consist of the following activities: research, planning and realisation of the Tomato Kit as an innovative tool, training of developers and stakeholders, testing and collection of feedback. The “Tomato Kit – Food for thought” will consist of an experiential kit conveying cultural content related to the identified European museum heritage, both physically and digitally (web app and social media). These kits will be designed and co-produced with the collaboration of the 13 project partners. This product will convey cultural and museum content outside the traditional spaces of use. Special attention will be given to social resilience and social inclusion, to reach an audience of approximately 350,000 children, their families, educators and museum operators.


The expected results of the project will be increased participation and access to culture through physical and digital tools (Tomato kit), increased dissemination throughout Europe with a significant impact on community involvement, strengthening of the sense of belonging to European culture. The results will consist of manuals (based on research design and material testing, studies of algorithms and software, pedagogical and educational theory), the educational tool and the validation of its impact, which will be developed to reach the widest audience and people vulnerable to the enjoyment of culture.




LIFE VAIA (Valuing Afforestation of damaged woods with Innovative Agroforestry) gives the territory the opportunity not only to repair the damage it has suffered, but also to become an example of sustainable valorisation of natural resources for a better quality and resilience of European forests in the future.


The LIFE VAIA project (co-financed by the European Union’s LIFE programme) is worth almost EUR 6 million and involves a partnership of international companies and institutions, led by the famous Rigoni di Asiago plateau food company. The other 10 beneficiaries participating in the project activities together with the lead partner are: Agenzia Veneta per l’Innovazione nel Settore Primario (former Veneto Agricoltura), University of Padua, Department of Territory and Agro-Forestry Systems (TESAF), Edmund Mach Foundation, Municipality of Asiago, Municipality of Gallio, Association Française d’Agroforesterie (AFAF, France), World Biodiversity Association (WBA), Fiera Longarone Dolomiti, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and Venetian Cluster.


The project will reforest forest areas destroyed by extreme events (such as hurricanes or fires), improving their ecosystems through a greater variety of species, so that future forests will be more resilient to extreme events and expected changes in climate, as well as benefiting from greater biodiversity. During the time required for the reconstitution of the forest cover, temporary and sustainable production activities will be inserted, with small-scale agricultural cultivation (agroforestry in organic regime) of local plants, such as berries (especially blueberry), medicinal plants (arnica, St. John’s Wort, lavender) and alimurgical plants (hops, goat’s beard, cycerbite). To these are added the enhancement of bee production and attention to the creation of habitats, such as water holes, created to provide a water reserve for crops, but designed from the outset to become pools suitable for amphibian reproduction. All of this is being developed with a focus on the sustainable use of natural resources, environmental improvement, but also the economic sustainability of the LIFE VAIA model, to allow economic support to local communities even if their resources (natural and economic, such as timber) are lacking for many years after a disaster event.


LIFE VAIA started in July 2021 and will end in September 2026.


More information can be found at

Start date: 01/04/2022

Project end date: 12/12/2023

Duration: 18 months

Total project budget: EUR 1,531,991.75


The Project

New creative practices in the audiovisual and cultural sectors are emerging in Europe. Authors, journalists, publishers and content creators are developing new concepts and online formats. Panodyssey is the innovative solution that promotes these hybrid practices. Our platform allows professional and amateur creators to monetise their content.
Intellectual property is a key element in the realisation of a new European digital model that is based on a cross-sectoral vision with economic actors from the audiovisual, cultural and creative sectors.
This vision protects and enhances content creators, offers users quality digital experiences while respecting their rights and differences, and creates a new virtuous European digital model, in total transparency.


Our ambition is to become the European leader in publishing hybrid creative content, having created a strong cross-sectoral ecosystem with our partners


The goal: to reach 10 million creators and 100 million users by 2030 to create an alternative business model to GAFAM.

The call for Innovation Lab 2021 will enable us to reach a critical size and raise Series A funding. The Creative Room European Alliance (CREA) will develop: innovative tools for creators, including a Smart Contract IP and a community of creators and readers in Europe to promote inclusion.

The consortium is based on 9 partners in 5 European countries (Bulgaria, France, Hungary, Italy, Spain) and 5 sectors: Technology, Media,
Audiovisual, Creativity, Education. It designs and tests innovative digital tools for long-term positive impact for the benefit of cross-sectoral content.

CREA is also a tool for inclusion (in linguistic diversity: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Bulgarian, Hungarian) and the digital world.


If you want more informations, you can send an e-mail to


Cooperation Program 2014 – 2020 Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE 3.2 To improve capacities for the sustainable use of cultural heritage and resources

RUINS – sustainable Re-Use, preservation and modern management of historical ruins in Central Europe


01.06.2017 – 31.05.2020
Overall budget of the project 1.765.421,10 euro


Project Objective:

Create a new integrated model considering the aspects of management, reuse and conservation of medieval historical ruins.


Project Partners:

  • Lublin University of Technology
  • Matej Bel University The Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics CAS, v. v. I
  • ICOMOS – POLAND, Polish National Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites
  • City of Zadar Higher Institute on Territorial Systems for Innovation
  • Italian Association for the Council of Municipalities and Regions of Europe
  • Higher Institute on Territorial Systems for Innovation
  • Venetian Cluster
  • Municipality of Velenje
  • Zadar County Development Agency ZADRA NOVA


Cooperation Program 2014 – 2020 Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE 3.2 To improve capacities for the sustainable use of cultural heritage and resources

REFREsh – Rural rEvitalisation For cultuRal hEritage


01.07.2017  – 30.06.2020
Overall budget of the project 2.152.612,50 euro


Project Objective:
revitalize and reuse in a sustainable way the manors and historical production buildings.


Project Partners:

  • Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig GmbH
  • SAXONIA – site development and management company
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pecs-Baranya
  • Local government of Komló
  • Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia
  • Municipality of Piran
  • Venetian Cluster
  • Municipality of Castello di Godego
  • Primorje-Gorski Kotar County
  • Municipality of Lokve
  • City of Freiberg

Program 2014 – 2020 Interreg Italy - Croatia Standard+ 3.2 To improve capacities for the sustainable use of cultural heritage and resources

USEFALL – Unesco Site Experience For All


01/01/2018 – 30/06/2019

Overall budget of the project 1.140.554,88 euro


Project Objective:

improve the accessibility of vulnerable groups (disabled, elderly and children) to the historical and artistic heritage starting from the UNESCO sites.

In carrying out the case study, we collaborate with the University of Padua and the activity takes place at the Botanical Garden.


Project Partners:

  • Municipality of Ravenna
  • Aquileia Foundation
  • Venetian Cluster
  • City of Split
  • City of Poreč – Parenzo