MerlinCV – Innovative Experiences of Cross-Border Cultural and Natural Heritage

MerlinCV – Innovative Experiences of Cross-Border Cultural and Natural Heritage

The Introductory Meeting and Second Meeting of the RecapMCV Project Partners


On September 20, 2023, the Center for Humanistic Studies of the Center for Scientific Research Capodistria hosted an important introductory meeting regarding the RecapMCV project. The project consortium, consisting of the Center for Scientific Research Capodistria (lead partner), the Municipality of Tolmin, Venetian Cluster Srl, and INFORMEST, gathered to update and promote the key digital products developed in the strategic MerlinCV project.


The main focus was on the multisensory presentation forms of castles and palaces heritage in the cross-border area. The meeting aimed to present the project implementation, including a detailed content plan, activity schedule, and communication strategies, with particular attention to graphic design and Interreg program requirements.


Task definition and knowledge exchange among partners facilitated connectivity and concrete project outcomes, with a focus on innovative cultural heritage digitization. This involved organizing cross-border public events and exhibitions to promote digitized heritage solutions, as well as developing a mobile immersion room.


In conclusion, an online coordination meeting was held on December 6, 2023, where the entire project consortium was briefed on ongoing activities and future implementations. Discussions included communication plans and the study visit of the Municipality of Tolmin to Salzano, where Venetian Cluster presented an example of an immersion room. Project details yet to be finalized were evaluated, and new ideas emerged to enhance efficiency and offer even more innovative solutions.


To learn more, visit the website or follow the dedicated Facebook page.


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