
DIGI-LEARN PROJECT – The gateway for adults and seniors to the digital word

We are thrilled to introduce you to the project “DIGI-LEARN – Learning to learn in digital environments”, in which Venetian Cluster is actively taking part as a partnership member within the framework of Erasmus + programme.


The digital age is transforming how we live, connect, learn, and work. While it offers incredible opportunities for learning, it also highlights the need for continuous skill development. In this regard, the DIGI-LEARN project aims to equip European citizens with the skills to navigate the technology-driven changes in the workforce.


Over a 28-month period (1 December 2023 – 31 March 2026) and with a total budget of €250,000, this project aims to create effective digital literacy practices. In particular, it targets seniors and individuals with limited digital skills through a combination of online and face-to-face training activities.


Among its main objectives, the DIGI-LEARN project envisions to:

  • Identify best practices in learning to learn in accessible digital spaces;
  • Develop digital training materials designed for senior citizens and digitally underskilled individuals, in order to foster their ability to adapt and thrive in a fast-evolving technological landscape
  • Create a methodological framework for educators working with marginalized adults facing social exclusion, long-term unemployment or migration backgrounds

DIGI-LEARN officially started with a two-day kick off meeting hosted by Spanish partner Femxa, in the Galician city of Vigo (Spain), on last March 26-27. On this occasion, the partners had the opportunity to meet in presence for the first time, and immediately established an excellent collaboration while discussing the division of tasks and timelines.


Next meeting is scheduled for November 5-6, 2024, and will be hosted by Venetian Cluster in the uniquely beautiful setting of Venice, Italy!


As for the partnership working behind the project, DIGI-LEARN boasts a diverse consortium of organisations made up of:

  • NGOs
    Agis, Note et Innove (ANI International): an association based in Paris that works on social inclusion, international solidarity and non-formal and informal education.
    Shoqata Together For Life: a non-profit organisation that helps strengthen the capacities and improve livelihood prospects of unprivileged communities
  • a VET provider
    Cursos Femxa Formación: a training company specialized in training for employment, aimed at companies, public administration, consulting, professional offices, training centers and individuals.
  • an Innovation Cluster
    Venetian Cluster srl: an organisation established to develop the Italian productive chain through public-private partnerships within the creative, cultural, and heritage sectors including environmental heritage.


Our project consortium is now finalising the right methodology to be used to structure the digital training activities envisioned (learning to learn materials, workshops, face-to-face courses). Specifically, we are currently working on:

  • a desk research exploring the digital landscape of 2023 in terms of internet use in each partner country, which will allow the project partners to identify key demographic facts and trends
  • a stakeholders’ survey which will help the project partners to determine institutional requirements in seniors’ digital education
  • a collection of 3 to 5 best practices involving ICT adult learners, which will focus on exploring successful approaches, upskilling initiatives and projects with a proven impact on bridging the digital skills gap

For more updates, click the buttons below and stay tuned!


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