



The second call is designed to provide support to SMEs in:

  1. Developing and implementing cross-sectoral projects aimed at fostering innovation in products and/or processes/technologies, with a specific focus on the needs associated with the twin transition;
  2. Promoting cross-fertilization and innovation among SMEs from different ecosystems;
  3. Going international to enhance access to global supply and value chains.


This support will include mandatory training and upskilling/reskilling activities tailored to the specific needs of SMEs, encompassing skills required for both the green and digital transition. Additionally, SMEs will be encouraged, as part of the support, to include activities geared towards international expansion, based on their readiness to internationalize.



Mandatory Objectives:


The call for proposals provides the option to choose at least one of two mandatory objectives. Applicant consortia must aim to submit joint projects targeting at least one or both of these mandatory objectives:

  1. Introducing or enhancing product innovations;
  2. Adopting processes and technologies to reinforce the transformation into a greener and more digital economy.



Eligible Applicants:


Further eligibility criteria can be found on page 7 of the FriendCCI Call for SMEs – Full text call.



Providers Selection and Eligible Services:


Applicant consortia are required to include in their project budget financial provisions for at least one service from an external service provider. The service(s) should focus on one of the following topics: Digital transition, Green Transition, Internationalization.

FRIEND CCI launched a call for expressions of interest for service providers in March 2023, aiming to provide SMEs with a list of recommended providers adhering to high standards, who have expressed their interest in supporting SMEs in these three required topics.



Submission & Evaluation Process:


How to Apply: Submit your proposal using the form at the end of this text on the Cluster Submission Platform by registering and filling in the required fields in three steps:


  • Step 1: APPLICANT INFORMATION. Complete the fields with your business information;
  • Step 2: PROJECT INFORMATION. Complete the fields with project information;
  • Step 3: ANNEXES. Upload the mandatory annexes in the requested format.



Evaluation Process:

The evaluation process is detailed from p.13 of the call.



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Communication of Results:

After the evaluation period, tentatively expected to last until the end of January 2024, FRIEND CCI Eurocluster will inform each applicant consortium about their obtained score and evaluation results. The list of winners will be published on the Cluster Submission Platform with the respective score and disseminated through other channels. Winners will be notified by email, so applicants should ensure to include frequently checked email addresses in the application.


Call Documents:



Maximum Budget per Application:

50.000 €


Countries Eligible:


Austria | Belgium | Bulgaria | Croatia | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Estonia | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | Ireland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Latvia | Lithuania | Luxemburg | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Slovakia | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Albania | Armenia | Iceland | Moldova | Montenegro | North Macedonia | Serbia | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Turkey | Ukraine


Contact Information:



