Industry 5.0 and conservation
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Industry 5.0, 3D printing, 3D modelling and laser-scanner surveying together with increasingly sustainable techniques and products for the conservation, restoration and enhancement of cultural heritage and the creation of new artistic and cultural products. These are the technologies we present within the 3 episodes realised for POWER-UP. In particular, we spoke with architect Andrea Boscolo about Industry 5.0 and 3D printing, with Dr Erminio Canevese about 3D modelling and laser-scanner survey, and with Dr Leonardo Borgioli about innovation and technologies for restoration. Listening to their 3 speeches, we noticed many points in common and how these three fields easily intersect to lead to increasingly precise and accurate levels of conservation and restoration and enhancement of works of art with obvious applications from ancient to contemporary art.


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3D Modelling
3D Printing
Industry 5.0
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  1. Elena Barbaro
    Venetian Cluster grazie al progetto RUINS finanziato dal programma Interreg Central Europe 2014-2020 ha sviluppato delle linee guida transnazionali e dei modelli integrati di uso contemporaneo per una gestione moderna e conservazione delle rovine medievali. Per scoprire queste linee guida visita il sito
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