

  • Project title: 4P- Pier Paolo Pasolini Pordenone
  • Start date: 19/04/2024
  • End date: 18/10/2026
  • Duration: 28 months
  • Total project budget: EUR 1.005.031,78
  • Program: INTERREG Italy-Slovenia



The project activities envisage pursuing the objective by taking into consideration: the cultural-scientific aspect, linked to the dissemination and preservation of Pasolini’s heritage in the school and academic spheres; the integration of dedicated tourist itineraries through the use of digital and innovative solutions, with a special focus on the historical and intangible heritage; the development of the skills of young people and professionals in the cultural and creative sector, which will lead to a use of tourist products linked to P. P.’s work that is more in line with the expectations of the current public. The project remains closely linked to the cross-border territory and its community, both heir and user of what Pasolini experienced in the years of his youth, linguistic diversity and early years.




The main project activities include the creation of a joint strategy and action plan for the revitalisation of cultural heritage sites of Pasolinian interest and the involvement of local inhabitants (with the Pasolini Hackathon, Pasolini co-lab, a summer highschool and various events). In order to ensure a joint territorial tourist development, the promotion of two routes/ itineraries in Casarsa and Idrjia (where Pasolini lived), the realisation of a digital application for the Pasolini routes, and the setting up of temporary and permanent exhibitions, such as a thematic immersive room, were considered.




Lead partner: Municipality of Pordenone


Project partners: Venetian Cluster, Centro Studi P. P. Pasolini,
Občina Idrija, Idrijsko-Cerkljansko razvojna agencija d.o.o. Idrija, Univerza v Novi Gorici


Associated partners: Casarsa della Delizia, Comune di Cordovado, Comune di San Vito al Tagliamento, Comune di Valvasone Arzene, Center za upravljanje z dediščino živega srebra Idrija, ICOMOS – Slovensko nacionalno združenje za spomenike in spomeniška območja, Ministrstvo za kulturo, Gruppo Pleiadi


Project website: https://www.ita-slo.eu/it/4p