- Full name: KAŠTellieri
- Start date: 22/04/2024
- End date: 21/10/2026
- Duration: 30 months
- Total project budget: EUR 1364133.46
- Programme: INTERREG Italy-Slovenia
The main challenge of the KAŠTellieri project is to bring back to life the ancient cultural and intangible heritage of the people who lived in the area of ‘castellieri’. In addition to keeping alive the heritage of the Friuli Venezia Giulia and Slovenian Istria regions dating back to the Bronze and Iron Ages, the project will help shift tourist flows to rural areas, supporting the objectives of tourism development in the hinterland of both countries. This can help improve the economic conditions of the destination and reduce the problems of overcrowding in coastal towns during the tourist season. Thanks to the technological tools available to us today (AI, 3D models) and the work of the creative industries (festivals, events), the project will revive the past and improve sustainable tourism, with respect for the environment.
The activities include the formulation of a common strategy and action plan for the sustainable cultural and tourist destination of the Upper Adriatic Proto-historic Castellieri cross-border area; the implementation of shared and implemented pilot actions, among which it is worth highlighting the creation of the unique Upper Adriatic Cross-border Archaeological Institute and the establishment of the extensive Upper Adriatic Cross-border Consortium for Proto-historic Castellieri, pilot improvement of the Aviko avatar, virtual web platform-tourist guide Kastelir. eu, cross-border cycling tourism product ‘Kaštelirji Road’, 3D models of castellieri, 5-star sustainable cross-border tourism products and others. External information and interpretation points on castles will be established;
Joint training programmes will be conducted for tourist guides, tour operators, tourist guide candidates and other tourism service providers, as well as archaeological workshops for children;
Cross-border public events will be organised as part of the preparation of the strategy and action plan, two editions of the Day of Castles, various castle festivals and cross-border training and study visits for tourist guides and journalists, influencers.
Lead partner: Mestna občina Koper – Municipality of Capodistria
Project partners: Venetian Cluster, ZRS – Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper, Javni zavod za turizem in kulturo Miren Kras, Municipality of San Dorligo della Valle – Občina Dolina, Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti
Associated partners: Municipality of Muggia, Občina Hrpelje-Kozina, Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije, Občina Komen, Občina Izola – Municipality of Isola, Istarska županija, ORA Območna razvojna agencija Krasa in Brkinov doo, Javni zavod za spodbujanje podjetništva in razvojne projekte občine Izola
Project website: https://www.ita-slo.eu/it/kastellieri