

  • Start Date: 06/01/2024
  • End Date: 05/31/2028
  • Duration: 48 months
  • Total Budget: €5,276,359
  • EU Contribution: €3,165,816
  • Program: LIFE



The main goal of the project is to address the ecological impact of airport waste by implementing innovative technologies and processes to reduce, reuse, and recycle the waste produced at airports.

The specific objectives of the project include:

  • Reduction of urban waste: Decrease municipal waste produced at airports by 70% through the adoption of innovative technologies and processes.
  • Reduction of construction waste: Reduce construction-related waste by 90% through reuse and the application of new building management principles.




During the pilot phase, the four partner airports will implement and evaluate the proposed actions.

Subsequently, within three years of the project’s conclusion, the successful technologies and processes will be replicated at airports affiliated with the ownership groups of Budapest (AviAlliance), Madrid (AENA), and Venice (Save Group), extending the positive results to approximately 100 airports across Europe and the world.

The LIFE TRIPL-AIR project represents a unique opportunity to reduce the ecological impact of aviation and spread the developed solutions globally, actively involving the 70 million passengers and crew members who pass through the partner airports annually, traveling to over 100 countries.




Lead partner: Budapest Airport

Project Partners: Aena SME, Dubrovnik Airport, Ecoscience Provence, and Save S.p.A.