USEFALL – Unesco Site Experience For All
- Start date: 01/01/2018
- End date: 30/09/2019
- Duration: 21 months
- Total budget: EUR 1,140,000.00
- ERDF: EUR 969,471.00
- National co-financing: EUR 170,530.00
- Programme: INTERREG Italy-Croatia
3.1 – To make natural and cultural heritage a leverage for sustainable and more balanced territorial development.
The USEFALL project, building on the results of the IPA Adriatic EX.PO AUS project, aims to increase accessibility to UNESCO sites in the programme area in order to make cultural heritage a leverage for balanced and sustainable territorial development. The project’s approach focuses on: a harmonized management strategy for the accessibility of cultural sites and strongly coordinated marketing activities; the development of ICT-based tourism products; and educational services aimed at people with special needs and employees in the tourism sector.
LEAD PARTNER: Aquileia Foundation
City of Split
City of Poreč-Parenzo
Venetian Cluster